Cick here to reveal Task 1
  • Camouflage yourself. First reveal yourself in a dramatic way and then show how you created your camouflage
Cick here to reveal Task 2
  • Physically recreate a classic video game. If more than one group recreates a Mario game, those groups will lose a point.
Cick here to reveal Task 3
  • Make the best and longest-lasting marble run. After releasing your marble, you may do nothing to alter its path.
Cick here to reveal Task 4
  • Put something genuinely surprising inside an egg. You can use any type of egg, a real egg, a chocolate egg, an easter egg etc.
Cick here to reveal Task 5
  • Make a wind-up toy go on the most extraordinary journey. You may use the wind up toy included or one of your own.
Click here to reveal Optional Task 1
  • Make yourself appear as big or as small as possible. Bonus point for using practical effects rather than video/photo editing.
Click here to reveal Optional Task 2
  • Turn your bed into something that isn’t a bed.