- You can only use objects you find in your home.
- If a task asks you to use a specific item you don't have, you may only buy the cheapest option, such as from the dollar store.
- Spend no more than $10 on any given task IF NECESSARY. This is just supposed to be casual, you really don't need to spend any money at all :)
- Upload your videos to:
- Folder Here
- Try not to upload videos longer than 10 minutes.
- Please name your videos in this format: task#-teamname.mp4
ex: task6-arantza-suzy.mp4
- You don't need to edit your videos. but if
you would like to edit your videos for
any reason, here are some free
App: Capcut
Program: videopad
- If you don't want to do one of the tasks for any reason, you can substitute it with one of the optional tasks.
- You may also perform the optional tasks in addition to the regular tasks if you want :)
- Record yourself opening and reading the task if you can!